
Hughesnet® Availability in Your Area

You can check the Hughesnet coverage map if you want—just know the answer’s usually Yes.
  • Hughesnet availability in 48 states

  • Access even in remote areas

  • High speeds far from urban centers

Aerial view of satellite availability over the USA.
Hughesnet Availablity US Map

Hughesnet Coverage Map

Search for Hughesnet near me.

Do a quick check on the Hughesnet availability map—you’ll see in seconds that we’ve got more coverage than any of the big names in internet service. Then select your state to view Hughesnet internet availability with specific speeds & pricing.

whole home wi-fi icon

High-speed Internet

Hughesnet plans comes with speeds up to 100 Mbps.** Check to see if the Hughesnet Fusion® plan is available where you live.

internet icon

Additional Services

Also on the Hughesnet availability map? Additional services and savings. Offers for home phone, security, and specialized tech support for promotions totaling over $150 in value.

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I find Hughesnet locations near me?

Hughesnet’s Find a Dealer tool can help you locate a brick-and-mortar retail center. But you’re in luck—you’ve already landed on a Hughesnet retailer website. 

As a Hughesnet retailer, we can check Hughesnet availability near you, talk through your plan options, and place your order over the phone. Call 1-844-715-0783 to get started.

If you have technical concerns with an existing account, or if you’d like to upgrade your plan, reach out to Hughesnet directly at 1-866-482-1777.

Where in the US is Hughesnet available to customers?

Hughesnet internet availability spans the entire mainland United States. Call 1-844-715-0783.

Is Hughesnet available in my area?

If you live in the mainland United States, yes! Confirm Hughesnet availability and pricing near you by calling 1-844-715-0783 or selecting your state below.

How can I check Hughesnet availability at my address?

Call 1-844-715-0783 or select your state below to check Hughesnet availability near you.

Are there plans for expanding Hughesnet coverage in the future?

Hughesnet availability spans the entire mainland United States. As of now, there aren’t specific plans to add more areas to the territory.

However, Hughesnet is in the process of upgrading its network to reduce latency for satellite internet customers. Low-latency Fusion plans are already available in select areas, and Hughesnet is actively working to expand access.

Hughesnet State Availability